Racial and Ethnic Groups: Pearson New International Edition

13e édition

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Pearson Education
Richard T. Schaefer,
BISAC Subject Heading
SOC002000 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology > SOC008000 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies > SOC026000 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology
BIC subject category (UK)
JH Sociology & anthropology > JFSL Ethnic studies
Code publique Onix
05 Enseignement supérieur
Date de première publication du titre
01 novembre 2013
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Classification thématique Thema: Anthropologie
Classification thématique Thema: Ethnologie
Classification thématique Thema: Histoire sociale et culturelle
Classification thématique Thema: Sociologie

VitalSource eBook

Date de publication
01 novembre 2013
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 528
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre

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Chapter 1: Social Psychology: The Science of the Social Side of Life
Chapter 2: Social Cognition: How We Think About the Social World
Chapter 3: Social Perception: Perceiving and Understanding Others
Chapter 4: The Self: Answering the Question: “Who Am I?”
Chapter 5: Attitudes: Evaluating and Responding to the Social World
Chapter 6: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination:  The Causes, Effects, and Cures
Chapter 7: Interpersonal Attraction and Close Relationships
Chapter 8: Social Influence: Changing Others’ Behavior
Chapter 9: Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others
Chapter 10: Aggression: Its Nature, Causes, and Control
Chapter 11: Groups and Individuals: The Consequences of Belonging
Chapter 12: Social Psychology: Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Happiness




Chapter 1: Social Psychology: The Science of the Social Side of Life
Social Psychology:  An Overview
Social Psychology: Advances at the Boundaries 
How Social Psychologists Answer The Questions They Ask: 
Increased Knowledge Through Research 
The Role of Theory in Social Psychology
The Quest for Knowledge and Rights of Individuals:  Seeking An Appropriate Balance
Getting the Most Out of This Book: A User’s Guide


Chapter 2: Social Cognition: How We Think About the Social World
Heuristics:  How We Employ Simple Rules in Social Cognition
Schemas:  Mental Frameworks for Organizing Social Information
Automatic and Controlled  Processing in Social Thought 
Potential Sources of Error in Social Cognition:  Why Total Rationality is Rarer Than You Think
Affect and Cognition:  How Feelings Shape Thought and Thought Shapes Feelings


Chapter 3: Social Perception: Perceiving and Understanding Others
Nonverbal Communication:  The Language of Expressions, Gazes, Gestures, and Scents
Attribution:  Understanding the Causes of Others' Behavior 
Impression Formation and Impression Management:  Combining
Information About Others


Chapter 4: The Self: Answering the Question: “Who Am I?”
Self-Presentation: Managing the Self in Different Social Contexts
Self-Knowledge: Determining Who We Are
Who Am I?: Personal versus Social Identity
Self-Esteem: Attitudes toward Ourselves
Chapter 5: Attitudes: Evaluating and Responding to the Social World
Attitude Formation: How Attitudes Develop
When and Why Do Attitudes Influence Behavior?
How Do Attitudes Guide Behavior?
The Fine Art of Persuasion: How Attitudes are Changed
Resisting Persuasion Attempts
Cognitive Dissonance: What it is and How Do We Manage It?


Chapter 6: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination:  The Causes, Effects, and Cures

How Members of Different Groups Perceive Inequality
The Nature and Origins of Stereotyping
Prejudice: Feelings Toward Social Groups
Discrimination:  Prejudice in Action
Why Prejudice Is Not Inevitable: Techniques for Countering Its Effects

Chapter 7: Interpersonal Attraction and Close Relationships
Internal Sources of Attraction: The Role of Needs and Emotions
External Sources of Attraction: The Effects of Proximity and Physical Beauty
Factors Based on Social Interaction: Similarity and Mutual Liking
Close Relationships:  Foundations of Social Life


Chapter 8: Social Influence: Changing Others’ Behavior
Conformity: Group Influence in Action
Compliance:  To Ask—Sometimes—Is To Receive
Symbolic Social Influence:  How We Are Influenced by Others Even When They Are Not There 
Obedience to Authority:  Would You Harm an Innocent Stranger If Ordered to Do So?


Chapter 9: Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others
Why People Help: Motives for Prosocial Behavior
Responding to an Emergency: Will Bystanders Help?
Factors that Increase or Reduce the Tendency to Help 
The Effects of Being Helped:  Why Underlying Motives Really Matter
Final Thoughts:  Are Prosocial Behavior and Aggression Really Opposites?


Chapter 10: Aggression: Its Nature, Causes, and Control
Perspectives on Aggression:  In Search of the Roots of Violence
Causes of Human Aggression:  Social, Cultural,  Personal, Situational  
Bullying:  Singling Out Others for Repeated Abuse
The Prevention and Control of Aggression:  Some Useful Techniques


Chapter 11: Social Psychology: Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Happiness

Some Basic Causes of Social Adversity—And Coping With Them
Personal Happiness:  What It Is, and How to Attain It


Chapter 12: Groups and Individuals: The Consequences of Belonging
Groups: When We Join…And When We Leave 
Effects of the Presence of Others: From Task Performance to Behavior in Crowds
Coordination in Groups: Cooperation or Conflict?
Perceived Fairness in Groups: Its Nature and Effects
Decision Making by Groups: How It Occurs and the Pitfalls It Faces
The Role of Leadership in Group Settings

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