La comptabilité de management + MonLab

Prise de décision et contôle
6e édition

Outil de gestion par excellence, l'information financière est aussi un levier de planification multidisciplinaire, de contrôle stratégique et de gestion de la performance organisationnelle. Lire la suite

Un ouvrage rigoureux, à jour et concret
Le contenu actualisé tient compte des derniers changements dans l'univers de la comptabilité, dont la fusion des trois ordres comptables (CPA) et les compétences requises pour devenir CPA. De nombreux exemples complètent le contenu théorique et permettent une compréhension très concrète des notions.

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  • Des centaines d’exercices
  • Des capsules vidéo complémentaires

Pour l’enseignant :

  • Un plan de cours
  • Les figures et tableaux du livre

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Hugues Boisvert, Marie-Claude Brouillette, Marie-Andrée Caron, Jacques Réal, Claude Laurin, Alexander Mersereau,
Catégorie (éditeur)
Manuels et lecture complémentaires > Économie & Gestion > Finance & Comptabilité > Comptabilité
Catégorie (éditeur)
Manuels et lecture complémentaires > Économie & Gestion > Finance & Comptabilité
Code publique Onix
05 Enseignement supérieur
CLIL (Version 2013-2019 )
3177 MANAGEMENT, GESTION ET ECONOMIE D'ENTREPRISE > 3180 Comptabilité, expertise comptable, contrôle degestion
Date de première publication du titre
15 juin 2019

VitalSource eBook

Date de publication
01 novembre 2013
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 576
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre

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0. Functions

0.1 Functions and Their Graphs

0.2 Some Important Functions

0.3 The Algebra of Functions

0.4 Zeros of Functions - The Quadratic Formula and Factoring

0.5 Exponents and Power Functions

0.6 Functions and Graphs in Applications


1. The Derivative

1.1 The Slope of a Straight Line

1.2 The Slope of a Curve at a Point

1.3 The Derivative

1.4 Limits and the Derivative

1.5 Differentiability and Continuity

1.6 Some Rules for Differentiation

1.7 More About Derivatives

1.8 The Derivative as a Rate of Change


2. Applications of the Derivative

2.1 Describing Graphs of Functions

2.2 The First and Second Derivative Rules

2.3 The First and Section Derivative Tests and Curve Sketching

2.4 Curve Sketching (Conclusion)

2.5 Optimization Problems

2.6 Further Optimization Problems

2.7 Applications of Derivatives to Business and Economics


3. Techniques of Differentiation

3.1 The Product and Quotient Rules

3.2 The Chain Rule and the General Power Rule

3.3 Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates


4. The Exponential and Natural Logarithm Functions

4.1 Exponential Functions

4.2 The Exponential Function ex

4.3 Differentiation of Exponential Functions

4.4 The Natural Logarithm Function

4.5 The Derivative of ln x

4.6 Properties of the Natural Logarithm Function


5. Applications of the Exponential and Natural Logarithm Functions

5.1 Exponential Growth and Decay

5.2 Compound Interest

5.3. Applications of the Natural Logarithm Function to Economics

5.4. Further Exponential Models


6. The Definite Integral

6.1 Antidifferentiation

6.2 The Definite Integral and Net Change of a Function

6.3 The Definite Integral and Area Under a Graph

6.4 Areas in the xy-plane

6.5 Applications of the Definite Integral


7. Functions of Several Variables

7.1 Examples of Functions of Several Variables

7.2 Partial Derivatives

7.3 Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables

7.4 Lagrange Multipliers and Constrained Optimization

7.5 The Method of Least Squares

7.6 Double Integrals


8. The Trigonometric Functions

8.1 Radian Measure of Angles

8.2 The Sine and the Cosine

8.3 Differentiation and Integration of sin t and cos t

8.4 The Tangent and Other Trigonometric Functions


9. Techniques of Integration

9.1 Integration by Substitution

9.2 Integration by Parts

9.3 Evaluation of Definite Integrals

9.4 Approximation of Definite Integrals

9.5 Some Applications of the Integral

9.6 Improper Integrals


10. Differential Equations

10.1 Solutions of Differential Equations

10.2 Separation of Variables

10.3 First-Order Linear Differential Equations

10.4 Applications of First-Order Linear Differential Equations

10.5 Graphing Solutions of Differential Equations

10.6 Applications of Differential Equations

10.7 Numerical Solution of Differential Equations


Appendix: Areas under the Standard Normal Curve

Answers to Exercises


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